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Senin, 20 Maret 2023 - 11:13 WIB

International Relations Division of INP Hosts The First ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime

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Tribrata, Jakarta – The 1 ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime (SOMTC) Working Group on General Transnational Crime Matters (GTCM) was held in Jakarta today (20/3/23), with the International Relations Division of Indonesian National Police (INP) serving as the host.

The INP Head of Bureau of Public Affairs of Public Relations Division Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan stated that the meeting was held in hybrid format with the most delegations attending in person in Jakarta, except from the delegation from Singapore who was attending online.

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“The purpose of this meeting was to discuss common strategies and measures to address the increasingly complex transnational crime issues in Southeast Asia,” he said.

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He explained further that the Working Group on the GTCM is a newly-formed working group under the ASEAN mechanism agreed upon by ASEAN members in 2022 to discuss several issues within five working groups, namely counter-terrorism, human trafficking, firearms smuggling, illegal wildlife and timber trafficking, and cybercrime.(spy)

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