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Rabu, 1 Maret 2023 - 03:16 WIB

2023 Spring Tourism Promotion Fair in Jakarta Conference Speech

Redaksi - Yadi - Penulis

Tribrata, Jakarta – Greetings’ I would like to welcome members of the Taiwan tourism delegation, members of the Indonesian tourism industry, and media personnel who have joined us today.

First, on behalf of the Taiwan Tourism Bureau, let me sincerely thank everyone here today for participating in the Taiwan Tourism Workshop. I also want to extend my gratitude to our Indonesian friends, and Taiwan tourism delegations for their enthusiastic support. Without their assistance, we would not be able to have this Taiwan Tourism Promotion Fair in Jakarta (Surabaya) today.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 230,000 Indonesian tourists visited Taiwan in 2019. Though Taiwan is a relatively small island when compared to Indonesia, it possesses a rich natural ecology and friendly citizens. Taiwan is now becoming a top tourist destination for many ASEAN countries. In order to promote Taiwan to Indonesian tourists even more, the Taiwan Tourism Bureau will not only participate in the 2023 ASTINDO Travel Fair, but will also host the Taiwan Tourism Promotion Fair in Jakarta and Surabaya. These events will not only be an opportunity for the Indonesian tourism industry and consumers to glimpse into what Taiwan has to offer as a tourist destination, but also a chance to convey an authentic taste of Taiwanese hospitality to our Indonesian friends.

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In 2023, we expect the tourism industry to return to prosperity prior to the pandemic. The Taiwan Tourism Bureau is not only accepting applications for high-quality tourist groups under the “Project for Simplifying Visa Regulations for High-end Group Tourists from Southeast Asian Countries (GuanHong Project)”, but is also simplifying procedures for Indonesian tourists to apply for visas to visit Taiwan. We will also be providing 4 major discounts for international tourists. These include a “Taiwan Fresh-cut Fruit Box Voucher”, a “5-day 4G Internet Voucher”, an “One-way Taoyuan Airport MRT Voucher”, and a “Buy One Get One Free discount for the Taiwan High Speed Rail”. Enabling visitors to experience and share the beauty of Taiwan with ease. Other promotional events planned this year include the “Taiwan Culinary Exhibition”, “Taiwan Cycling Festival”, “Taiwan Summer Tourism Festival”, and the “Taiwan Hot Springs”; themed tourism events which will welcome Indonesian tourists.

Taiwan is a nation of beautiful natural scenery, culinary experiences, and warm hospitality. Over the years, Taiwan has consistently been chosen as the Global Travel Destination of the Year by “Lonely Planet”, The New York Times, CNN and other international media outlets. Although Taiwan has a Muslim population which is smaller than 200,000 people, we are committed to making Taiwan a Muslim-friendly country. Currently, more than 300 restaurants and hotels in Taiwan have been certified to serve guests in accordance with Halal standards.

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In order to ensure Indonesian Muslim tourists can make the most of their visit to Taiwan, while also maintaining peace of mind, we invited Muslim experts from the Chinese Muslim Association to introduce the latest Taiwan Muslim travel resources. Thanks to the efforts made by businesses and hotels, Taiwan is also honored to be ranked the No. 2 destination in MasterCard’s latest “CrescentRating – Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI)” of 2022. It is our pleasure to invite Muslim friends to experience the friendly and safe travel environment of Taiwan.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for all of your support. I also look forward to a future full of opportunities for cooperation and exchange built upon friendly relationships. Hopefully, Taiwan will become an attractive destination for more Indonesian friends to experience beautiful scenery, delicious food and hospitality. Welcome to Taiwan. Thank you.

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